
We are a community driven initiative.

Our stakeholders include but are not limited to, landowners, managers, producers, sportsmen, conservationists, community members, local leadership, government agencies, foundations, granters, and outdoor enthusiasts. 

Steering Committee

The function of this committee is to ensure the Absaroka Fence Initiative is achieving the mission of the group. 

Important activities of the committee include but are not limited to: Setting the strategic direction; prioritizing and selecting projects; Coordinating funding. Offer strategic guidance to subcommittees. Enhance interactions and communication flow among subcommittees; Foster relationships among existing and potential landowners and other participants. Introduce new participants to the Absaroka Fence Initiative. Recruit new committee members. Facilitate communication among all participants of the Absaroka Fence Initiative. Set agendas for large participant group meetings.

Serving on Committee

Kimi Zamuda, Co-Chair, The Nature Conservancy - Wyoming,

Erin Welty, Co-Chair, Greater Yellowstone Coalition,

Jennifer Bayne, Secretary, Shoshone National Forest,

Cory Williams, Treasurer,

Adam Stephens, Bureau of Land Management,

Corey Anco, Draper Natural History Museum,

Corey Class, Wyoming Game and Fish Department,

Reach out to any steering committee member if you are interested in volunteering to serve on any committee.

Technical Committee

This committee will compile and summarize all available data and present recommendations for prioritization to the Absaroka Fence Initiative participants and the steering committee. In addition, the committee will work with the Absaroka Fence Initiative participants to collect information that will help to monitor the success of projects where feasible. This may be accomplished by (but not limited to): Coordinating with Absaroka Fence Initiative participants to compile relevant data; provide maps and relevant information to the communication committee; advise Absaroka Fence Initiative participants and Steering committee on the highest priority projects based on data available; advise Event committees on most effective assessment tools and analyses for  each project; advise Absaroka Fence Initiative participants, Event committees and the Steering committee as to the effectiveness of a proposed project.

Serving on Committee

Corey Anco, Co-Chair, Draper Natural History Museum,

Kerry Murphy, Co-Chair, Shoshone National Forest,

Kimi Zamuda The Nature Conservancy - Wyoming,

Rory Karhu, Natural Resources Conservation Service - Powell,

Steffen Cornell, Meeteetse Conservation District,

Tony Mong, Wyoming Game and Fish Department,

Communication Committee

This committee will create and maintain the Absaroka Fence Initiative online and social media presence in order to inform the public of the group’s mission, goals, public events, and ways to get involved with the Absaroka Fence Initiative. This will occur through: Coordinate media releases; solicit media presence for project promotion and group activities; coordinate with other Absaroka Fence Initiative participant’s media personnel via  communication release checklist; develop social media content; maintain social media platforms and website.; coordinate with Events Committee as needed for marketing purposes.

Serving on Committee

Sarah Beckwith, Chair, Bureau of Land Management,

Amy Phillips, Draper Natural History Museum,

Erin Welty, Greater Yellowstone Coalition,

Evan Guzik, Shoshone National Forest,

Kathy Lichtendahl, Landowner Volunteer,

Tara Hodges, Wyoming Game and Fish Department,

Project Implementation

For now the Steering Committee has elected one person to coordinate, track the progress, and support multiple project leads. Project leads were assigned because of connection to the project via relationship with land owners or agency connection to lands. Due to some of the project site space, logistics, or other sensitivities; volunteers will be asked to register in advance to best accommodate space and requirements of the projects. The project lead will plan details of the project implementation including but not limited to: coordinate among participants for resources; coordinate with the communication committee about the event marketing; request assistance as needed from the steering committee or participants; coordinate volunteers/field day activities if needed.

Project Implementation Advisor

Adam Stephens, Bureau of Land Management,